State Parliament’s support for legislation to extend the mandate of the GasFields Commission of Queensland to cover renewable energy will ensure stronger relationships between all stakeholders, as well as maximise the benefits and opportunities from the transition to 80% renewable energy generation by 2035.

The amendments passed late last night in Queensland Parliament establish the Coexistence Queensland Act 2013.

Queensland Renewable Energy Council Chief Executive Officer, Katie-Anne Mulder, said QREC has worked with both the Government and Opposition to expand the responsibilities of the GasFields Commission to renewable energy and to be renamed now Coexistence Queensland.

“On behalf of our members and in consultation with stakeholders, QREC has advocated for this approach which will build upon the good work the GasFields Commission has already done,” Ms Mulder said.

Ms Mulder said it would be crucial for Coexistence Queensland to be adequately funded and resourced so as to be able to expand its focus to the renewable energy sector and ensure it is effective in the role it is now being asked to perform.”

“Given the differences between the resources and renewable energy industries in terms of access rights, drivers, connecting infrastructure, its benefits and impacts, it is vital that Coexistence Queensland has the right balance of Board members, resources and experience to adequately and effectively perform its additional functions as soon as possible.’

Along with our members QREC looks forward to working constructively and co-operatively with Coexistence Queensland.

For media contact Kirby Anderson on 0400 206 502